MATLAB-Simulink Integration


The integration marks a significant collaboration between two flagship products of MathWorks i.e., MATLAB and Simulink . This cohesive integration, facilitated by a comprehensive toolbox, empowers users to seamlessly connect and interact with BeamNG.Tech for enhanced simulation and analysis. The toolbox encompasses both Simulink and MATLAB bridges, providing users with a unified solution that amplifies the capabilities of these MathWorks products in tandem. Additionally, the setup involves BeamNGpy for MATLAB, while Simulink establishes native communication with through the UDP protocol using a specially designed S-function , creating a robust and versatile simulation environment.

MATLAB and Simulink Support for allows to connect the Mathworks products with the software with two different methods:

  • MATLAB ⇿ BeamNGpy ⇿
  • Simulink ⇿

MATLAB-Simulink-integration_Toolbox MATLAB-Simulink-integration_Toolbox


you must have the following softwares/packages installed


Running the BeamNG-MATLAB-Simulink-integration requires three individual software components, here is a list of compatible versions.

BeamNG.Tech BeamNGpy BeamNG-MATLAB-Simulink-Integration MATLAB Python
0.31 1.28 1.2.0 R2022b & later 3.9
0.30 1.27.1 1.1.0 R2022b & later 3.9
0.29 1.26.1 1.0.0 R2022b & later 3.9

The code is available at:

Last modified: 12/1/2024 10:07

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