Disk Options

ADAS Sensor configurations can be saved and loaded from within the editor. These buttons can be found on the Attached Sensors Window for the vehicle which the user wishes to save/load.

Save/Load Buttons Save/Load Buttons

Save Sensor Configuration will open a file dialog, allowing the user to select a filepath for saving the data.

Load Sensor Configuration will open a file dialog, allowing the user to select a filepath from which a valid ADAS Sensor Configuration file can be loaded.

Relationship Between Configurations And Vehicles:

It is possible to save an ADAS Sensor Configuration for one vehicle, then attempt to load it from the Attached Sensors Window of a another vehicle. This is generally not recommended, since different vehicles have different shapes/sizes and the sensor positions can thus be altered. However, if the two vehicles do have the same (or very similar) meshes, this should work fine. The user should be aware of this possibility and the possible errors which may arise, such as sensors appearing to float outside the vehicle rather than being attached to it.

Last modified: May 17, 2024

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