Gizmo API

editor.setAxisGizmoTransform(matrix, scale)
  • matrix - (MatrixF): the world transform matrix of the gizmo
  • scale - (Point3F): of the gizmo, so to avoid non uniform scale decomposition problems

Set the axis gizmo’s transform, used for custom editing of object parts or other visual handles.


Return the axis gizmo current matrix transform as a MatrixF object


Return the axis gizmo current scale as a Point3F object

editor.updateAxisGizmo(onStartGizmoDragFunc, onEndGizmoDragFunc, onGizmoDraggingFunc)
  • onStartGizmoDragFunc - this function is called when the gizmo axes/handles are starting to being dragged (no args)
  • onEndGizmoDragFunc - this function is called when the gizmo axes/handles ended being dragged (no args)
  • onGizmoDraggingFunc - this function is called when the gizmo axes/handles are currently being dragged (no args)

Updates the axis gizmo internals, checking mouse manipulation events and so on.


Draw the axis gizmo with its current transform and mode.

  • mode - the mode of the axis gizmo to be set:
    • editor.AxisGizmoMode_Translate
    • editor.AxisGizmoMode_Rotate
    • editor.AxisGizmoMode_Scale

Set the current axis gizmo mode. Usually called when the edit mode is activated.

  • alignment - the alignment of the axis gizmo to be set:
    • editor.AxisGizmoAlignment_World - the gizmo is aligned with the world axes
    • editor.AxisGizmoAlignment_Local - the gizmo is aligned with the local axes of the gizmo transform

Set the current axis gizmo alignment. Usually called when the edit mode is activated.


Return the axis gizmo mode. See editor.setAxisGizmoMode.


Return the axis gizmo alignment. See editor.setAxisGizmoAlignment.


Return true if the axis gizmo has any hovered elements (axes).


Return the axis gizmo selected element (axis).

worldEditorCppApi.setAxisGizmoRenderPlane(renderEnable) [TEMPORARY]
  • renderEnable - if true, render the selected plane

worldEditorCppApi.setAxisGizmoRenderPlaneHashes(renderEnable) [TEMPORARY]
  • renderEnable - if true, render the selected plane hashes

worldEditorCppApi.setAxisGizmoRenderMoveGrid(renderEnable) [TEMPORARY]
  • renderEnable - if true, render the selected move grid when translating

worldEditorCppApi.getAxisGizmoRenderPlane() [TEMPORARY]

Return true if render plane is enabled.

worldEditorCppApi.getAxisGizmoRenderPlaneHashes() [TEMPORARY]

Return true if render plane hashes is enabled.

worldEditorCppApi.getAxisGizmoRenderMoveGrid() [TEMPORARY]

Return true if render move plane is enabled.

Last modified: 7 December 2021, at 14:30

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