Known Issues

Last modified: March 3, 2025

Version 0.34

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • The new Parts menu search may not work properly. As a temporary workaround switch to the old version
  • The Mod Repository displays a warning about connection issues even when there are none, this message will fail to display when there is an issue with your connection
  • Drag race time slips incorrectly show winner on the opposite lane
  • Save/Load feature in the Radial Menu may not function correctly
  • Police will continue pursuit event after it says you’ve evaded them
  • Suspect vehicle may not be visually identified
  • Dyncamic Decal Editor: To see the exported skin, please make sure to enable online features first and restart the game
  • On Intel Integrated GPUs (630 generation or similar), openable doors are not working
  • On Intel Integrated GPUs, the nodegrabber may not work. Updating your drivers might solve this problem
  • Time Trials are not recording checkpoint times when initiated from the Main Menu. The trials can still be completed.
  • The Garage Tuning Menu resets some values when you change something
  • Vulkan Renderer:
    • Running game in Vulkan mode on Steam OS 3.6 will cause memory leak
    • Graphical glitches may occur on older GPUs
    • Slowdowns or crashes may happen when the game is using more VRAM than available
    • Track builder tracks might glitch on some hardware configurations
    • Screenshots might be saved with visible artifacts sometimes
    • Texture cooking / export are not working with Vulkan
  • Linux version:
    • All issues related to Vulkan are applicable to Linux
    • Lack of game launcher, missing userfolder migration, etc
    • Lower performance on a case-sensitive file systems
Outdated & Corrupt Mods
  • BeamMP
    • Users may be unable to use the new Rally mode from main menu. As a workaround, you can load a map with stages, open the M map, and scroll down to the Rally category
    • This mod tends to cause a wide range of issues after updates - such as broken user interface, inability to launch maps, broken force feedback, broken bindings, etc. If you experience issues, you can try deactivating or uninstalling the mod:
    • Uninstall the mod
    • Then open the Userfolder and remove the multiplayer folder from the /mods folder
    • If this didn’t help, back up the contents of your Userfolder and completely remove it
  • Rally Big Tires by nachtstiel may cause missing tires
  • Mods KLJP by Kueso and Most Wanted Mission by ますくろ break traffic
  • DFA Pack may cause issues with all vehicles
  • SSRG’s Megapak by SSRG causes issues with Gavril T-Series engine
  • Gavril H-Series Addon by AR162B will cause missing doors on H-Series van
  • Legran Pack by burilkovdeni may cause issues with vehicles
  • Urbanmaid Core Resource Package by Urbanmaid may cause issues with wheels on Soliad Lansdale


Mods that use custom buttons in the main menu must be updated to ensure compatibility with the new Vue system.

Please review this example for further details on how to implement this.

Fixed in 0.34.1
  • If a level is loaded by opening a Replay file, some features (such as traffic and many others) will not work correctly after you close that replay
  • Recovery key Insert may not work in some menus, such as Parts selector, Career tutorial and others.
  • Light flares are missing on ETK I-Series

Older Known Issues

Version 0.33

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • Save/Load feature in the Radial Menu may not function correctly
  • Barrier meshes are missing on WCUSA Time Trials
  • Police will continue pursuit event after it says you’ve evaded them
  • Suspect vehicle may not be visually identified
  • Dyncamic Decal Editor: To see the exported skin, please make sure to enable online features first and restart the game
  • On Intel Integrated GPUs (630 generation or similar), openable doors are not working
  • On Intel Integrated GPUs, the nodegrabber may not work. Updating your drivers might solve this problem
  • Time Trials are not recording checkpoint times when initiated from the Main Menu. The trials can still be completed.
  • The Garage Tuning Menu resets some values when you change something
  • Vulkan Renderer:
    • Graphical glitches may occur on older GPUs
    • Slowdowns or crashes may happen when the game is using more VRAM than available
    • Track builder tracks might glitch on some hardware configurations
    • Screenshots might be saved with visible artifacts sometimes
    • Texture cooking / export are not working with Vulkan
  • Linux version:
    • All issues related to Vulkan are applicable to Linux
    • Lack of game launcher, missing userfolder migration, etc
    • Lower performance on a case-sensitive file systems
Outdated & Corrupt Mods
  • Rally Big Tires by nachtstiel may cause missing tires
  • Mods KLJP by Kueso and Most Wanted Mission by ますくろ break traffic
  • DFA Pack may cause issues with all vehicles
  • SSRG’s Megapak by SSRG causes issues with Gavril T-Series engine
  • BeamMP tends to cause a wide range of issues after updates - such as broken user interface, inability to launch maps, broken force feedback, broken bindings, etc. If you experience issues, you can try deactivating or uninstalling the mod:
    • Uninstall the mod
    • Then open the Userfolder and remove the multiplayer folder from the /mods folder
    • If this didn’t help, back up the contents of your Userfolder and completely remove it
  • Gavril H-Series Addon by AR162B will cause missing doors on H-Series van
  • Legran Pack by burilkovdeni may cause issues with vehicles
  • Duramax Diesel Addon may cause loss of vehicle control when activating nitrous oxide injection
  • Urbanmaid Core Resource Package by Urbanmaid may cause issues with wheels on Soliad Lansdale
Fixed in 0.33.3
  • Career Mode:
    • Some delivery trailers spawn the wrong way and are hard to reach
    • Some vehicle parts on some vehicles can’t be installed again after they have been removed
Fixed in 0.33.1
  • Vehicles may not load due Lua errors. This is caused by SimHub installation that adds third-party Lua files. Verifying integrity of game files will resolve this issue.

Version 0.32

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • Save/Load feature in the Radial Menu may not function correctly

  • Dyncamic Decal Editor: To see the exported skin, please make sure to enable online features first and restart the game

  • On Intel Integrated GPUs (630 generation or similar), openable doors are not working

  • On Intel Integrated GPUs, the nodegrabber may not work. Updating your drivers might solve this problem

  • The fuel level adjustment slider is missing

  • Time Trials are not recording checkpoint times when initiated from the Main Menu. The trials can still be completed.

  • Vulkan Renderer:

    • Graphical glitches may occur on older GPUs
    • Slowdowns or crashes may happen when the game is using more VRAM than available
    • Track builder tracks might glitch on some hardware configurations
    • Screenshots might be saved with visible artifacts sometimes
    • Texture cooking / export are not working with Vulkan
  • Linux version:

    • All issues related to Vulkan are applicable to Linux
    • Lack of game launcher, missing userfolder migration, etc
    • Lower performance on a case-sensitive file systems
Outdated & Corrupt Mods
  • BeamMP tends to cause a wide range of issues after updates - such as broken user interface, inability to launch maps, broken force feedback, broken bindings, etc. If you experience issues, you can try deactivating or uninstalling the mod:
    • Uninstall the mod
    • Then open the Userfolder and remove the multiplayer folder from the /mods folder
    • If this didn’t help, back up the contents of your Userfolder and completely remove it
  • Gavril H-Series Addon by AR162B will cause missing doors on H-Series van
  • Legran Pack by burilkovdeni may cause issues with vehicles
  • Duramax Diesel Addon may cause loss of vehicle control when activating nitrous oxide injection
  • Urbanmaid Core Resource Package by Urbanmaid may cause issues with wheels on Soliad Lansdale
  • DFA Pack may cause issues with Ibishu Covet
Fixed in 0.32.1
  • Cinematic Crash Camera can be triggered when traffic and vehicle pooling is enabled. As a temporary workaround, please disable vehicle pooling in settings. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix
  • Some mods break the ability to save vehicle configs. Please try again in Safe Mode (Launcher → Support tools) to check if the issue is caused by a mod. You can try to save vehicle configs using the experimental new UI
  • Career mode:
    • Trailers do not show the “give back” option when opening the recovery menu near them during a delivery
    • Gameplay statistics timers aren’t saved
  • Linux:
    • Game may crash to desktop during the level loading when using Dynamic Reflections or Mirrors on NVIDIA cards
    • Driver crash on graphics cards that use Mesa drivers, might freeze or crash whole system
  • Vulkan Renderer:
    • Forest objects impostors might glitch some hardware configurations
    • Game doesn’t start on Intel and AMD integrated graphics cards

Version 0.31

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • High framerate impact when recording/playing a replay
  • Force Feedback broken when switching to another program then coming back. See further instructions here
  • Force Feedback broken on Logitech steering wheels: Logitech GHub suffers a bug that can break FFB in all games (including ours). There’s a chance that uninstalling + installing Logitech GHub might help. Contact Logitech for support.
  • Framerate drops when driving at high speed in certain parts of Johnson Valley highway: we’re researching ways to optimize performance for those affected
  • Save/Load feature in the Radial Menu may not function correctly. We are investigating this issue
  • Dyncamic Decal Editor - to see the exported skin, please make sure to enable online features first and restart the game
  • Career mode: Fragile Cargo modifier does not work properly when using some big vehicles like the T-Series. Please check this thread for more detailed information
  • Vulkan Renderer:
    • Graphical glitches may occur on older GPUs
    • Slowdowns or crashes may happen when the game is using more VRAM than available
    • Game doesn’t start on Intel and AMD integrated graphics cards
    • Track builder tracks might glitch on some hardware configurations
    • Forest objects impostors might glitch some hardware configurations
    • Screenshots might be saved with visible artifacts sometimes
    • Texture cooking / export are not working with Vulkan
  • Linux version:
    • All issues related to Vulkan are applicable to Linux
    • Lack of game launcher, missing userfolder migration, etc
    • Lower performance on a case-sensitive file systems
    • Game may crash to desktop during the level loading when using Dynamic Reflections or Mirrors on NVIDIA cards
    • Driver crash on graphics cards that use Mesa drivers, might freeze or crash whole system
  • Virtual Reality:
    • Performance can decrease severely if you run out of VRAM on your GPU. Make sure you close *all* possible background programs, and monitor VRAM usage via Task Manager.
    • Render issues with the sky, water, shadows and LOD system
    • More VR information here .
Outdated & Corrupt Mods
  • BeamMP tends to cause a wide range of issues after updates - such as broken user interface, inability to launch maps, broken force feedback, broken bindings, etc. If you experience issues, you can try deactivating or uninstalling the mod:
    • Uninstall the mod
    • Then open the Userfolder and remove the multiplayer folder from the /mods folder
    • If this didn’t help, back up the contents of your Userfolder and completely remove it
  • Gavril H-Series Addon by AR162B will cause missing doors on H-Series van
  • Legran Pack by burilkovdeni may cause issues with vehicles
  • Duramax Diesel Addon may cause loss of vehicle control when activating nitrous oxide injection
  • Urbanmaid Core Resource Package by Urbanmaid may cause issues with wheels on Soliad Lansdale
  • DFA Pack may cause issues with Ibishu Covet
Fixed in 0.31.3
  • Ramplow on the bus is missing. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix
  • Engine ignition V and handbrake Space bindings may disappear and require reassigning for some players, usually when driving the Gavril T-Series. Other bindings might be affected too
Fixed in 0.31.1
  • Gavril T-Series engine doesn’t break underwater
  • Entering garage mode from Freeroam on WCUSA may get you stuck, unable to exit the

Version 0.30

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • High framerate impact when recording/playing a replay
  • Entering garage mode from Freeroam on WCUSA may get you stuck, unable to exit the mode
  • Force Feedback broken when switching to another program then coming back. See further instructions here
  • Force Feedback broken on Logitech steering wheels: Logitech GHub suffers a bug that can break FFB in all games (including ours). There’s a chance that uninstalling + installing Logitech GHub might help. Contact Logitech for support.
  • Framerate drops when driving at high speed in certain parts of Johnson Valley highway: we’re researching ways to optimize performance for those affected
  • Save/Load feature in the Radial Menu may not function correctly. We are investigating this issue
  • Vulkan Renderer:
    • Graphical glitches may occur on older GPUs
    • Slowdowns or crashes may happen when the game is using more VRAM than available
    • Game doesn’t start on Intel and AMD integrated graphics cards
    • Track builder tracks might glitch on some hardware configurations
    • Forest objects impostors might glitch some hardware configurations
    • Screenshots might be saved with visible artifacts sometimes
  • Linux version:
    • All issues related to Vulkan are applicable to Linux
    • Lack of game launcher, missing userfolder migration, etc
    • Lower performance on a case-sensitive file systems
    • Broken lighting on NVIDIA graphics cards, lower FPS, log spam
    • Driver crash on graphics cards that use Mesa drivers, might freeze or crash whole system
  • Virtual Reality:
    • Performance can decrease severely if you run out of VRAM on your GPU. Make sure you close *all* possible background programs, and monitor VRAM usage via Task Manager.
    • Render issues with the sky, water, shadows and LOD system
    • More VR information here .
Outdated & Corrupt Mods
  • BeamMP tends to cause a wide range of issues after updates - such as broken user interface, inability to launch maps, broken force feedback, broken bindings, etc. If you experience issues, you can try deactivating or uninstalling the mod:
    • Uninstall the mod
    • Then open the Userfolder and remove the multiplayer folder from the /mods folder
    • If this didn’t help, back up the contents of your Userfolder and completely remove it
  • Gavril H-Series Addon by AR162B will cause missing doors on H-Series van
  • Legran Pack by burilkovdeni may cause issues with vehicles
  • Duramax Diesel Addon may cause loss of vehicle control when activating nitrous oxide injection
  • Urbanmaid Core Resource Package by Urbanmaid may cause issues with wheels on Soliad Lansdale
  • DFA Pack may cause issues with Ibishu Covet
Fixed in 0.30.6
  • Visual issues that can affect some mods levels. We are investigating this issue
  • Users running non-English OS may experience crashes when switching audio output device while the game is running
  • Virtual Reality:
    • Performance issues if you enable VSync: as a workaround, disable it in Options > Display
Fixed in 0.30.4
  • The onboard navigation in some mods is broken
Fixed in 0.30.2
  • Virtual Reality:
    • Cannot recenter from SteamVR/OculusVR menu: as a workaround, use the in-game Ctrl+ Num5 binding (ensure that numlock is ON, and BeamNG window is focused)
    • VR preview in 2D flat screen has incorrect aspect ratio
Fixed in 0.30.1
  • Virtual Reality:
    • Steam sometimes does not show the Launcher, so Vulkan cannot be selected: as a workaround please run the launcher manually: steam > right click beamng > manage > browse local files > double click
    • Recentering by clicking menu button is not working. Please use Ctrl+ Num5 (ensure numlock is ON and the BeamNG window is focused)
    • Recentering (Ctrl+ Num5) sets the position out of the vehicle or too high: if you are using or have used 3rd party software (such as OpenTrack, VorpX, OVR Advanced Settings and possibly others), please review their settings and remove any possible custom centering offsets.

Version 0.29

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • Take and Upload Screenshot (Alt+O) option is disabled until further notice.
  • Force Feedback broken when switching to another program then coming back. See further instructions here
  • Force Feedback broken on Logitech steering wheels: Logitech GHub suffers a bug that can break FFB in all games (including ours). There’s a chance that uninstalling + installing Logitech GHub might help. Contact Logitech for support.
  • Framerate drops when driving at high speed in certain parts of Johnson Valley highway: we’re researching ways to optimize performance for those affected
  • Save/Load feature in the Radial Menu may not function correctly. We are investigating this issue

Version 0.28

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • Force Feedback broken when switching to another program then coming back. See further instructions here
  • Force Feedback broken on Logitech steering wheels: Logitech GHub suffers a bug that can break FFB in all games (including ours). There’s a chance that uninstalling + installing Logitech GHub might help. Contact Logitech for support.
  • Framerate drops when driving at high speed in certain parts of Johnson Valley highway: we’re researching ways to optimize performance for those affected
  • Save/Load feature in the Radial Menu may not function correctly. We are investigating this issue
Outdated & Corrupt Mods
  • BeamMP tends to cause a wide range of issues after updates - such as broken user interface, inability to launch maps, broken force feedback, broken bindings, etc. If you experience issues, you can try deactivating or uninstalling the mod:
    • Uninstall the mod
    • Then open the Userfolder and remove the multiplayer folder from the /mods folder
    • If this didn’t help, back up the contents of your Userfolder and completely remove it
  • Gavril H-Series Addon by AR162B will cause missing doors on H-Series van
  • Legran Pack by burilkovdeni may cause issues with vehicles
  • Duramax Diesel Addon may cause loss of vehicle control when activating nitrous oxide injection
Fixed in 0.28.2
  • DCT gearboxes show N instead of P when parking. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix
Fixed in 0.28.1
  • Bus route missions may remove player vehicle if the missions is started using a bus
  • ETK K-Series automatic shifter animation is misaligned. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix
  • UI layout changes may not apply correctly in G2G missions and Freeroam. We are investigating this issue
  • In some cases your camera may appear under the map after spawn. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix
    • As a temporary workaround, please navigate to your Userfoldersettingscloud and remove this file: gameplay_stat.json
  • When using Script AI in the World Editor, the Start Delay feature may not function properly. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix
  • Some props, such as the bollard and the wheel roller, will spawn floating in the air. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix
  • Framerate drops when enabling Nvidia’s G-Sync for windowed mode if you run the game in windowed mode: revert the Nvidia setting back to enabled for fullscreen mode only (or completely disabled)

Version 0.27

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues

Due to the recent update to Windows Defender, Windows Defender may falsely detect some game files as a virus and delete them/block the game. We are aware of the issue and looking into possible solutions. As a temporary workaround please follow the steps provided in this article .

  • WARNING: Only consider this as a temporary solution, make sure to remove the exclusion once Microsoft releases a working update
  • Force Feedback broken when switching to another program then coming back: a Windows Update in March 2023 has introduced an incompatibility related to the new GameInput software when alt-tabbing:
    • For Thrustmaster wheels: update to their new driver and firmware update “2023_TTRS_2” (released on March 23th 2023), which is reported to fix the issue
    • For Logitech and rest of wheels: update to their latest drivers and firmware. If that doesn’t work, at your own risk you could try these workarounds that disable or uninstall Microsoft GameInput .
  • Force Feedback broken on Logitech steering wheels: Logitech GHub suffers a bug that can break FFB in all games (including ours). We’re collaborating to help them solve the bug - in the meantime, uninstalling + installing Logitech GHub might help.
  • Force Feedback broken after switching vehicle: likely issues with the BeamMP mod, see section below
  • Framerate drops when enabling Nvidia’s G-Sync for windowed mode if you run the game in windowed mode: revert the Nvidia setting back to enabled for fullscreen mode only (or completely disabled)
  • Framerate drops when driving at high speed in certain parts of Johnson Valley highway: we’re researching ways to optimize performance for those affected
  • Cannot walk: likely issues with the BeamMP mod, see section below
  • Cannot refuel in gas stations, refueling menu does not appear: likely issues with the BeamMP mod, see section below
  • Vehicle-specific bindings are missing from Options>Controls or don’t work: likely issues with the BeamMP mod, see section below
  • Weird texts in the UI such as “” or similar incomprehensible texts: likely issues with the BeamMP mod, see section below
  • License plate can take a long time to update / load
  • Electrics don’t work in Garage mode. We are investigating this issue
  • Drag Race mission settings: cinematic camera is not working properly
  • Navigation app may cause performance instabilities and inconsistent frame rate. Consider removing it from the UI Layout if the problem persists
  • Users with lower-end GPUs may experience performance issues
  • Mods sorting may work incorrectly. We are investigating this issue
  • In some cases black artefacts (lines/squares) may appear on the road on several maps. We are investigating this issue
  • Some UI apps, like Hotlapping and others, may reset logged data when the game is paused (also via Esc). We are investigating this issue
  • Important notice for mod authors: with the release of v0.26 we identified an issue with the variable jbeam system and expression parser. It will be addressed with the upcoming hotfix
  • It is not possible to enable or disable Anti Aliasing. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming major release
  • West Coast USA: There are missing traffic lights in some places that may cause the AI to misbehave
Fixed in 0.27.2
  • Script AI manager does not display the path.
  • Crawl missions may restart automatically after countdown is finished.
  • Garage 2 Garage mission on West Coast may include unreachable delivery points. This issue will be addressed in the upcoming hotfix
Fixed in 0.27.1
  • Autobello Stambecco has minor issues with interior and off-road skins

Version 0.26

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • Selecting the Filter Key (Fast) in the configuration of a steering binding will render the vehicle undrivable. To resolve this, go back to the default or pick a different filter until the underlying issue is fixed in v0.27
  • Users with Logitech steering wheels may experience issues, more info here
  • The Jungle Rock Island bus routes are inaccessible via the missions system. We are investigating the issue; however, you may still access them from the main menu
  • Wheel Roller prop does not adjust its dimensions to nearest vehicle. We are investigating this issue
  • License plate can take a long time to update / load
  • Navigation app may cause performance instabilities and inconsistent frame rate. Consider removing it from the UI Layout if the problem persists
  • Users with lower-end GPUs may experience performance issues
  • Rotation resets when moving an object in World Editor. We are investigating this issue
  • Mods sorting may work incorrectly. We are investigating this issue
  • In some cases black artefacts (lines/squares) may appear on the road on several maps. We are investigating this issue
  • Some UI apps, like Hotlapping and others, may reset logged data when the game is paused (also via Esc). We are investigating this issue
  • Important notice for mod authors: with the release of v0.26 we identified an issue with the variable jbeam system and expression parser. It will be addressed with the upcoming hotfix
Outdated & Corrupt Mods
  • BeamMP may cause game instabilities and issues with the user interface. If your UI is completely black, when you launch the game, or if you see incomprehensible messages (as shown below), try the following steps:
    • Uninstall the mod
    • Navigate to your Userfolder and remove the /multiplayer folder from the /mods folder
  • If this didn’t help, back up the contents of your Userfolder and completely remove it
  • Gavril H-Series Addon by AR162B will cause missing doors on H-Series van
  • Legran Pack by burilkovdeni may cause issues with vehicles
  • Duramax Diesel Addon may cause loss of vehicle control when activating nitrous oxide injection

Version 0.25

Discussion Thread | Release Notes | How to Report Issues

Known Issues
  • Users with lower-end GPUs may experience performance issues
  • Police parts’ glowmaps look a bit weird
  • Mods sorting may work incorrectly. We are investigating this issue
Outdated & Corrupt Mods
  • BeamMP may cause instabilities and issues with the game and game UI. If upon launch your UI is black as shown below, try the following steps:
    • Uninstall the mod
    • Navigate to your Userfolder and remove the /multiplayer folder from the /mods folder
    • If this didn’t help, back up the contenst of your Userfolder and completely remove it
  • Gavril H-Series Addon by AR162B will cause missing doors on H-Series van
  • Legran Pack by burilkovdeni may cause issues with vehicles
  • Duramax Diesel Addon may cause loss of vehicle control when activating nitrous oxide injection
Fixed in 0.25.4
  • Island Rallycross Club Race A: AI doesn’t see the road on a junction
  • Target Jump mission does not freeze the vehicle properly, so you can start driving before the countdown ends (info: fix is being worked on, coming for the hotfix probably)
  • Some users may experience loss of sound in the game. We are investigating it
Fixed in 0.25.3
  • Traffic will sometimes not spawn properly in Garage 2 Garage Missions. This will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix
  • The Driver Training Campaign Achievement cannot be obtained currently. This will be resolved in the upcoming hotfix, the achievement will be obtainable by completing the final mission of the ported campaign
  • Missions may not work correctly when the “Competetive Scenario Conditions” are disabled in the settings (info: it will allow the user to perform the usually blocked actions)
Fixed in 0.25.1
  • Disabling Options > Camera > Driver > [ ] Automatically center view on release will still recenter camera when the vehicle moves or stops
  • Audio on Linux are not working ( see this thread )

Version 0.24

Discussion Thread | Release Notes

Fixed in 0.25
  • Hotlapping app may not work correctly
  • UI sounds may misbehave
  • x86 version is not working
  • Text scaling on the top menu bar may not work properly
  • Torque Curve app may not work properly. We are investigating this
  • The leaderboard in Time Trial Missions does not use the correct license plate. We are investigating this
  • Launching the game in Vulkan Mode may cause instabilities with the game, crashes, and blurred visuals. If you’re experiencing these or any other issues with Vulkan, please check this forum thread
Fixed in
  • Water textures may sometimes glitch at random. The team is aware of the issue and we are investigating the cause
Fixed in
  • Game performance may be impacted in some instances of intensive use (i.e. resetting the vehicle frequently, spawning huge numbers of traffic vehicles, and so on).
  • Showroom Thumbnail generator is not working.
  • Unable to modify bindings - can happen to some users with localized Windows (including Korean).
Fixed in 0.24.1
  • Option to Show custom vehicles in vehicle selector is not working
Fixed in
  • Automation mods and some props are not visible in the vehicle selector. We are investigating this
  • If you’re having issues bringing up the Quick Access Menu (aka Radial Menu):
    1. Make sure the top bar menu is closed
    2. Make sure you press the correct key (E by default)
    3. If steps above don’t work, you have to reload the UI with F5 and repeat steps 1 and 2
  • In some cases it is not possible to customize bindings (under ControlsBindings)
  • UI apps cannot be resized
  • Default vehicle cannot be saved
  • Spawn button does not work correctly in Freeroam (only default spawn point works). This issue will be addressed in the upcoming hotfix, as a workaorund, please double-click the desired location instead of using the Spawn button
Fixed in
  • Game doesn’t launch with a 0x5000003 error. We are investigating this issue, as a workaround, pelase follow these steps:
    1. Create a folder that has no special characters in the path, for example C:\BeamNG
    2. Navigate to the game install folder (default: Steam\steamapps\common\
    3. Locate file startup.ini
    4. Open it with a text editor
    5. Change path (UserPath = ) to the folder you’ve created in step 1
  • Radial Menu missing
    • We’ve added Radial Menu button to the top bar to make it more visible (press E or use the gamepad left stick)

Version 0.23

Discussion Thread | Release Notes

Fixed in 0.24
  • Game cannot be launched with 0xC0000135 STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND error. Please try the following steps:
    • Perform a Clean Install of the game
    • If this did not help, download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable from this page (choose applicable: vc_redist.x86.exe or vc_redist.x64.exe)
  • Hotlapping UI App is not working correclty. We are investigating this issue.
  • In rare cases, World Editor may operate in an unstable manner
  • Gauges may display incorrectly when switching vehicles. We are investigating this issue.
  • Issues with campaigns - Husle and Bustle:
    • Missing HUD when starting Prelude chapter.
      • Temporary workaround: Press ESC → Find Customize UI Apps → Switch from Freeroam to Scenario in the drop-down menu
    • Impossible to complete Action Chase due to the chased vehicle moving too fast. We are investigating this issue.
Outdated Mods
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems mod is causing broken UI and vehicle issues
  • 1995 Ibishu Kashira mod is causing issues with tire textures. Please disable this mod.
  • BeamMP may cause instabilities and issues with game UI (Scenarios, Campaigns, Time Trials, and Bus Mode were reported, where {{ txt | translate }} prevents UI to be shown). Try removing this mod to verify. Make sure to Clear Cache after the mod is removed.
Fixed in 0.23.5
Fixed in 0.23.3
  • Time Trials results are not being shown correctly.
Fixed in 0.23.1
  • Some official vehicles may be incorrectly displayed as mods. We are investigating this issue.

Version 0.22

Discussion Thread

Fixed in 0.23
  • Vehicle Triggers not fully supported by gamepads
    • Temporary solution: Make sure your cursor is at the center of the screen. Triggers will turn green when focused, indicating they can be operated.
  • Logitech G923 - under some conditions, Xbox versions of this hardware may not be visible in-game. Possible workaround:
    • Connect the wheel, then open and close the game at least once
    • Open your user folder
    • Go inside the ‘Temp’ folder, and open the ‘xinputcache.txt’ file with any text editor. You’ll see several lines. One of them mentions your G923 steering wheel
    • In the second column of that line, please replace the ‘X’ with a ‘D’
    • Save your changes and close the editor
    • Start the game. The wheel should now be visible
  • Logitech G923 (PS4) and G29 - game doesn’t launch or launches in the background
    • Rollback G-Hub to version 2021.3.5164 and disable auto-updates
  • Creator Mode causes game crashes.
  • Licence Plates not using the correct format when using country-specific plates
Fixed in
  • Ibishu Hopper Crawler suspensions not working correctly
  • ETK 800 and K Series: error message when disabling ESC
Fixed in
  • Game settings are not migrated between game versions
  • Random crashes when using the Node Grabber
  • Options ➜ Bindings menu not updating (or slowly) when changing bindings
Fixed in
  • Safe Mode not working properly

Version 0.21

Discussion Thread

Fixed in 0.21.3
  • Remote Control App doesn’t work
  • Removing electronics from ETK800 causes game to freeze
  • Supply Delivery scenario truck has no towhitch to hook trailer
Fixed in 0.21.2
  • Ibishu 200BX ABS not working properly
Fixed in 0.21.1
  • Exit button in main menu may not work for some
  • Recorded replays do not load properly between game sessions