  • path - the path to a texture image

Return a table with the loaded texture information


Load and create the editor icon texture atlas. It also creates the editor.icons table with all the icons.

editor.uiIconImage(icon, size, col, borderCol, label)

Draw an icon image widget.

editor.uiIconImageButton(icon, size, col, label, backgroundCol, id, textColor)

Draw an icon image button widget.


Show the visibility helper tool window.


Check if the main window got resized. It will call extensions hook onWindowResized with the new size as imgui ImVec2 as parameter.


Return true if the 3D game viewport is hovered only.


Return true if the 3D game viewport is focused.

editor.openFileDialog(path, fileExtensionsString)
  • path - the path to open the file dialog in
  • fileExtensionsString - the file extensions allowed

Return the filename if there was a file selected, otherwise empty string.

editor.saveFileDialog(path, fileExtensionsString)
  • path - the path to save the file
  • fileExtensionsString - the file extensions allowed

Return the filename if there was a file selected, otherwise empty string.

  • path - the path to folder

Return the selected folder path.


Return the main canvas position as imgui ImVec2.


Return the main canvas size as imgui ImVec2.

editor.registerWindow(windowName, defaultSize, defaultPos, defaultVisibleBoolean)
  • windowName - the name of the window to register
  • defaultSize - the default first time size of the window, as imgui ImVec2
  • defaultVisibleBoolean - if this is not nil, it will be the default first time open state of the window

Register a given window name, usually must be called in onEditorInitialized() of the editor extension. For more usage of the window api, see Tutorial - Step #2, Writing base code .

  • windowName - the name of the window to unregister

Unregister a given window name. For example when a tool window was closed, you dont want it in the saved state of the editor anymore. Call this function right after the imgui.Begin call, if the editor.isWindowVisible(yourWindowName) is false. If you just want to hide the window, the call editor.hideWindow(yourWindowName) only. For more usage of the window api, see Tutorial - Step #2, Writing base code .

  • windowName - the window name to check visibility

Return true if the window is visible.

  • *windowName: the window name to get bool ptr for

Return the boolean pointer of imgui which stores the visibility of the window, used in imgui.Begin call.

  • windowName - the window name

Hide the named window, sets the visible boolean to false.

  • windowName - the window name

Show the named window, sets the visible boolean to false.

  • windowName - the window name

Setup the window’s default size and position. Must be called before imgui.Begin.

editor.keyModifiers table

This is a table that contains key modifiers state to be used in conjuction with the imgui mouse operations. The table contains booleans for each pressed modifier:

  • editor.keyModifiers.shift - true if (any) shift key is pressed down right now
  • editor.keyModifiers.control - true if (any) control key is pressed down right now
  • editor.keyModifiers.alt - true if (any) alt key is pressed down right now
  • editor.keyModifiers.lShift - true if left shift key is pressed down right now
  • editor.keyModifiers.lControl - true if left control key is pressed down right now
  • editor.keyModifiers.lAlt - true if left alt key is pressed down right now
  • editor.keyModifiers.rShift - true if right shift key is pressed down right now
  • editor.keyModifiers.rControl - true if right control key is pressed down right now
  • editor.keyModifiers.rAlt - true if right alt key is pressed down right now

editor.uiDragFloat(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragFloat2(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragFloat3(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragFloat4(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragFloatRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, format_max, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragInt(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragInt2(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragInt3(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragInt4(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragIntRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, format_max, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragScalar(label, data_type, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiDragScalarN(label, data_type, v, components, v_speed, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags, callback, user_data, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputTextMultiline(label, buf, buf_size, size, flags, callback, user_data, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputTextMultilineReadOnly(label, buf, size, flags, callback, user_data, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputFloat(label, v, step, step_fast, format, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputFloat2(label, v, format, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputFloat3(label, v, format, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputFloat4(label, v, format, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputInt(label, v, step, step_fast, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputInt2(label, v, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputInt3(label, v, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputInt4(label, v, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputDouble(label, v, step, step_fast, format, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputScalar(label, data_type, v, step, step_fast, format, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiInputScalarN(label, data_type, v, components, step, step_fast, format, extra_flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderFloat2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderFloat3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderFloat4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderAngle(label, v_rad, v_degrees_min, v_degrees_max, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderInt(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderInt2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderInt3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderInt4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderScalar(label, data_type, v, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiSliderScalarN(label, data_type, v, components, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiVSliderFloat(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiVSliderInt(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, format, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiVSliderScalar(label, size, data_type, v, v_min, v_max, format, power, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiColorEdit3(label, col, flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiColorEdit4(label, col, flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiColorPicker3(label, col, flags, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiColorPicker4(label, col, flags, ref_col, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiColorButton(desc_id, col, flags, size, editEnded)

Specialized widget wrapper function returning true in the imgui BoolPtr editEnded if editing the value ended, used for undo functionality.

editor.uiPlotLines1(string_label, float_values, int_values_count, int_values_offset, string_overlay_text, float_scale_min, float_scale_max, ImVec2_graph_size, int_stride, auto_resize)

Plot lines widget.

Last modified: 7 December 2021, at 14:30
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