- enable - if true, it will enable the edit mode on the objects
This function will enable editing mode on all objects. Usually used internally by the toggle editor mode.
editor.spawnObject(name, className)
- name - the name of the object
- className - the C++ class name of the spawned object Returns object pointer
Spawn a new object by class name.
- objectId - the object id Returns true if object deleted
Delete object by its id.
editor.validateObjectName(name, newName)
- name - current object name
- newName - the new name Returns true if the object names ivalid
Validate object name.
editor.setFieldValue(objectId, fieldName, fieldValue)
- objectId - the object id
- fieldName - the field name
- fieldValue - the field value
Set an object’s field value.
For dynamic fields, use editor.setDynamicFieldValue
editor.setDynamicFieldValue(objectId, fieldName, fieldValue)
- objectId - the object id
- fieldName - the field name
- fieldValue - the field value, if this is empty string, it will delete the dynamic field!
Set an object’s dynamic field value.
editor.getFieldValue(objectId, fieldName)
- objectId - the object’s id
- fieldName - the field name
Returns the field’s value
editor.getFieldInfo(objectId, fieldName)
- objectId - the object’s id
- fieldName - the field name
Return the field info table
- objectId - the object’s id
Returns the fields of the object
- objectId - the object’s id
Return the dynamic fields of the object
Delete the current selected objects.
Clears the current object selection.
editor.selectObjects(idArray, selectMode)
- idArray - the array of object IDs
- selectMode - the select mode (if nil/not present, the mode is editor.SelectMode_New):
- editor.SelectMode_New - the old selection is discarded
- editor.SelectMode_Add - add (uniquely) the object ids to the current selection
- editor.SelectMode_Remove - remove the ids from the current selection (if present)
- editor.SelectMode_Toggle - if the ids are present, remove them, if they’re absent, add them
Select object ids.
editor.selectObjectsByRectangle(rect, selectMode)
- rect - the 2D screen viewport rectangle object
- selectMode - the selection mode, see editor.selectObjects
Select objects by a rectangle in the current camera viewport, screen space.
- selectMode - the selection mode, see editor.selectObjects
Select objects using the current mouse position in the current camera viewport.
editor.selectObjectsByNameMask(nameMask, selectMode)
- nameMask - a part or full name of the objects
- selectMode - the selection mode, see editor.selectObjects
Select object by name mask.
editor.selectObjectsByType(className, selectMode)
- className - the class name of the objects to be selected
- selectMode - the selection mode, see editor.selectObjects
Select objects by class name.
editor.selectObjectById(id, selectMode)
- id - the object id
- selectMode - the selection mode, see editor.selectObjects
Select object by id, using selectMode.
Select all the objects in the level, care must be taken this might slow things down for various operations
Lock the object selection, making objects non-movable.
Unlock the object selection.
Hide the selected objects.
Show the selected objects.
- boundsAxis - the axis for the bounds, values allowed:
- editor.AxisX - the X axis
- editor.AxisY - the Y axis
- editor.AxisZ - the Z axis
Align objects by their bounding box, on the specific axis.
- axis - the center axis, values allowed:
- editor.AxisX - the X axis
- editor.AxisY - the Y axis
- editor.AxisZ - the Z axis
Align objects by their common averaged center, on the specific axis.
Reset the object selection transform, sets rotation to zero and scale to 1,1,1.
Reset the object selection’s rotation to zero.
Reset the object selection’s scale to 1,1,1.
- deltaTranslate - the Point3F delta value to move the selection
Translate the object selection by the delta value.
editor.rotateObjectSelection(deltaRotation, centerPoint)
- deltaRotation - the delta quaternion object
- centerPoint - Point3F, if not nil, will be used to scale around it, relative to it
Rotate the selected objects by the delta quaternion.
editor.scaleObjectSelection(deltaScale, centerPoint)
- deltaScale - the Point3F delta scale value
- centerPoint - Point3F, if not nil, will be used to scale around it, relative to it
Scale the selected objects by the delta scale.
- location - the location of the drop point, allowed values:
- editor.DropLocation_Origin - at world 0,0,0
- editor.DropLocation_Camera - at current camera position, no rotation
- editor.DropLocation_CameraWithRotation - at camera position, with rotation
- editor.DropLocation_BelowCamera - below the camera position
- editor.DropLocation_ScreenCenter - at the center of the screen, projected from current camera into world
- editor.DropLocation_Centroid - at the centroid of the selection
- editor.DropLocation_ToTerrain - onto the terrain
- editor.DropLocation_BelowSelection - below the current selection
Drop the selected objects at the specified drop point.
- newPrefabFilename - prefab destination filename
Create a new prefab from the current selection.
Explode the current selected object(s) from prefab to objects.