Getting Started

The BeamNG-MATLAB bridge is depending on BeamNG.Tech and BeamNGpy . Make sure that you have the license for BeamNG.Tech. The Github repository of the BeamNG-MATLAB has some basic examples of scripts that run a vehicle with some sensors ex. Lidar, Camera, and state sensor.

Vehicle State Plotting

use the state sensor to plot some graphs of the vehicle position, wheel speed and direction, throttle, and brake. 

Vehicle state ploting Vehicle state ploting

Running Lidar sensor, and AI control.

create a simple scenario
use the simulator's AI with BeamNGpy

Lidar sensor and AI control mode Lidar sensor and AI control mode

Multi-shot Camera

change the position and rotation of a camera

Multi-shot Camera Multi-shot Camera

Object Placement

define a custom scenario for a given map
generate procedural content, i.e. simple meshes

Multi-shot Camera Multi-shot Camera

Annotation and Bounding Boxes

get semantic annotations
get instance annotations
draw bounding boxes (note that this feature is not ready for use yet)

Annotation and Bounding Boxes Annotation and Bounding Boxes

Last modified: 13/12/2022 16:47

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