Custom Prefab Groups:
The editor allows the user to create their own custom prefabricated groups, and then re-use the content or save to disk. Upon doing so, the group will appear at the bottom of the list in the Groups List Window.
A dedicated button on the Main Tool Window places the editor in the ‘create group mode’.
Pressing this button places the editor into the Create Group Mode. In this mode, the user can then draw a polygonal fence around the desired group, to ensnare it. This is done in a way similar to drawing a road; every left mouse button click will create a new node of the polygon. Clicking the right mouse button will cancel the polygon, and a new one can be created if required.
Note: the user should be careful to draw the polygon exclusively around only the roads they wish to be part of the group. Roads must be fully within the polygon to be considered as part of the group.
Double-clicking the left mouse button will complete the polygon, and the roads inside the polygon will be saved to the Groups List Window.
The following image shows the process of creating a new group, using the polygon tool.
From here, as with any default group, the user may place the group or save it to disk for later usage. Using this feature, the user could eg create a common junction type, then place many of them on the map very quickly, then link them up to other roads in the network as required.
The image below shows the original group, around which a polygon was drawn to create a new prefab group. Beside it is the same group which was chosen from the prefab groups window and then placed.