How to contribute


As a user

If you want to submit a translation you’ll need to perform few steps.

You can view all translations without registration, but if you want to keep your data and submit a translation suggestion please make sure to register:

As a mentor

If you want to become a mentor please use this form to apply: (link)

Submitting translations

System overview

Our localization system includes 2 components for each language - glossary and strings.

  • Glossary - shared repository of terminology and untranslatable elements which should be considered when translating.
  • Strings - text which will be shown in-game.

You can find complete documentation for the translation system here:

Translation guidelines
  • Do not suggest translations for the languages you are not fluent in (this includes the use of machine translations, i.e. Google, Bing, etc.)
  • Leave variables as they are. Variables look like this: {{variable}}. They are used to place dynamic information into the string (i.e. numbers, text, time)
  • Preserve code in strings. In case you find bbcode like [action=foo] or html code as part of the string, please preserve this as it is. Make sure to not add additional spaces or other symbols that could render it broken.
  • Cross-check with the glossary and add terminology to the glossary if it’s missing.
Translation editor
Suggesting translation as a user
  • Once you’ve completed the registration process navigate to:
  • And select You’ll see statistics about the progress of the game localization. It includes all languages.
  • Select game from the list or navigate to the Languages tab.
  • Select preferred language for translation. Once selected you will be presented with an overview of progress for the chosen language.

For example, if you want to contribute to this translation, select Not translated strings from the list and you will be presented with translation editor.

Enter your version of the translated text and press Suggest. Your suggestion will now be shown to the mentors for approval.

Last modified: 13/10/2022 13:29

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