Electrics is a section in Jbeam that allows for defining custom electrics values and assigning smoothers to them. It consists of 2 tables: customValues, which defines the name of the value and the function it is derived from, and smoothers, which assigns smoothers to values by name. Custom electrics values can be used for gradual transitions between binary inputs, for example for sealed beam headlights which smoothly turn on and off. They can also be used to add or multiply several inputs together, which can be used to achieve the effect of vehicle lights dimming when the electrical system of the car is under load, for example when using the starter.
"electrics": {
"customValues": [
["electricsName", "electricsFunction"],
["customValue1","electrics.existingValue1 * electrics.existingValue2"],
"smoothers": [
["electricsName", "smootherType", "params"],
["customValue1","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
The whole electrics section can exist inside of the components section and it will still be read normally. This is useful for deep table merging, such as adding a new custom value or smoother in a different part of the vehicle.
"components": {
"electrics": {
"customValues": [
["electricsName", "electricsFunction"],
["customValue1","electrics.existingValue1 * electrics.existingValue2"],
"smoothers": [
["electricsName", "smootherType", "params"],
["customValue1","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
CustomValues arguments
Example expression:
"(electrics.lowhighbeam + electrics.brakelight_signal_L) * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"
The expression cannot contain assignments, or single standalone ‘=’ signs! It can contain:
- numbers
- all standard lua operators
- all standard lua math functions and constants
- names of existing electrics values with the “electrics.” prefix applied
- names of variables existing on the vehicle with the “$” prefix applied
- whitelisted words: “not”, “true”, “false”, “nil”, “and”, “or”, “dt”
- custom functions listed below.
Available functions
1st way: if 1st param is a bool, if true returns 2nd param, if false returns 3rd param
2nd way: if 1st param is an integer ’n’ it returns the ’n’th+1 param (returns last param if ’n’ is > # of params).
if electrics.val = nil: return 0.25
if electrics.val = 0.5: return electrics.val
case(electrics.val, ‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘baz’)
if electrics.val = 1: return ‘foo’
if electrics.val = 2: return ‘bar’
if electrics.val = 3: return ‘baz’
pwm(electrics.val1, 0.5, 0.5)
Example expression with functions:
"pwm(sign(electrics.lightbar), 0.5, 0.5) * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"
Smoothers arguments
Supported smoother types:
- “exponential” - exponential smoothing
- “temporal” - linear temporal smoothing
- “temporalNonLinear” - non-linear temporal smoothing
For exponential smoothing, usually only the first one is used:
- window - number of frames smoothed over
- startingValue - defaults to 0 if not provided
- fixedDt - time difference in seconds, defaults to 0.0005 if not provided
For temporal smoothing, usually the first two are used:
- inRate - defaults to 1 if not provided
- outRate - defaults to inRate if not provided
- autoCenterRate - only exists for linear variant, defaults to inRate if not provided
- startingValue - defaults to 0 if not provided
The most useful type of smoother is a temporal non-linear one with in and out rates declared, used for the on-off transitions of halogen and sealed beam lights:
"smoothers": [
["electricsName", "smootherType", "params"],
["lowbeam_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
["highbeam_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
Some electrics values have an exponential smoother by default:
- With a 10 frame window:
wheelspeed, gear_A, rpm, lights, turnsignal, airspeed, airflowspeed, altitude
- With a 100 frame window:
fuel, oiltemp, watertemp
Simple example
Custom electrics values for simple halogen and sealed beam lamps which smoothly turn on and off and react to electrical system load.
"electrics": {
"customValues": [
["electricsName", "electricsFunction"],
["lowbeam_filament","electrics.lowbeam * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["highbeam_filament","electrics.highbeam * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["lowhighbeam_filament","electrics.lowhighbeam * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["taillight_filament","electrics.lowhighbeam * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["brakelight_filament","electrics.brakelights * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["brakelight_signal_L_filament","electrics.brakelight_signal_L * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["brakelight_signal_R_filament","electrics.brakelight_signal_R * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["lowhighbeam_signal_L_filament","electrics.lowhighbeam_signal_L * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["lowhighbeam_signal_R_filament","electrics.lowhighbeam_signal_R * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["reverselight_filament","electrics.reverse * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["foglight_filament","electrics.fog * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["signal_L_filament","electrics.signal_L * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["signal_R_filament","electrics.signal_R * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
"smoothers": [
["electricsName", "smootherType", "params"],
["lowbeam_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
["highbeam_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
["lowhighbeam_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
["taillight_signal_L_filament","temporalNonLinear", [15,15]],
["taillight_signal_R_filament","temporalNonLinear", [15,15]],
["taillight_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
["brakelight_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
["brakelight_signal_L_filament","temporalNonLinear", [15,15]],
["brakelight_signal_R_filament","temporalNonLinear", [15,15]],
["lowhighbeam_signal_L_filament","temporalNonLinear", [15,15]],
["lowhighbeam_signal_R_filament","temporalNonLinear", [15,15]],
["reverselight_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
["foglight_filament","temporalNonLinear", [10,10]],
["signal_L_filament","temporalNonLinear", [15,15]],
["signal_R_filament","temporalNonLinear", [15,15]],
Advanced examples
Custom electrics values for combined halogen function lights.
"electrics": {
"customValues": [
["electricsName", "electricsFunction"],
["lowhighBrakeSignal_L_filament","(electrics.lowhighbeam + electrics.brakelight_signal_L)*electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
["lowhighBrakeSignal_R_filament","(electrics.lowhighbeam + electrics.brakelight_signal_R)*electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
"smoothers": [
["electricsName", "smootherType", "params"],
["lowhighBrakeSignal_L_filament","temporalNonLinear", [5,5]],
["lowhighBrakeSignal_R_filament","temporalNonLinear", [5,5]],
Custom electrics value for an animated halogen police flasher that fades in and out constantly when the light bar is turned on.
"electrics": {
"customValues": [
["electricsName", "electricsFunction"],
["police_flasher_filament","pwm(sign(electrics.lightbar), 0.5, 0.5) * electrics.electricalLoadCoef"],
"smoothers": [
["electricsName", "smootherType", "params"],
["police_flasher_filament","temporalNonLinear", [4,4]],