If your editor tool can have instances (for example de Inspector
tool window) you can use a helper class in lua/ge/extensions/editor/api/guiInstancer.lua
-- we use a small helper to keep our instances array
local guiInstancer = require("editor/api/guiInstancer")
-- when the user chooses the `Window` menu item for your tool, will create a new window instance
local function onWindowMenuItem()
-- lets add a new window instance, the returned value is the index in the .instances field
local index = guiInstancer.addInstance()
guiInstancer.instances[index].locked = true -- will lock the window to a particular edited object
guiInstancer.instances[index].objectId = someIdHere -- we want this object to be edited in this window
local function renderMyWindow(instance)
-- Render your widgets and logic in the window instance here
-- the instance table can have various members pertaining to that instance.
-- It can hold a instanceId for example, so you can identify the edited
-- object or resource for that particular window instance.
-- It also holds locked boolean, if true then the window is locked to that
-- particular instance id.
local function onEditorGui()
-- we go over all window instances
for index, instance in pairs(guiInstancer.instances) do
-- force visible true, we'll check after
showWindow[0] = true
-- we start a window here, we must make this window title unique (due to imgui logic),
-- thus we add the index number to the window name
if imgui.Begin("MyWindow #" .. tostring(index), showWindow) then
-- it seems the user closed the window instance, so remove it
if not showWindow[0] then
-- render this window instance widgets/gui
local function onEditorInitialized()
-- optional, you can spawn a default window instance on editor start up
-- no need to set objectId or locked, this window instance will be global for now
-- it all depends on your logic, for example the Scene Tree window instances will
-- retain their scroll position, but the scene tree will be common to all instances
M.onEditorInitialized = onEditorInitialized
M.onEditorGui = onEditorGui
return M
For further reference on multiple instance tools you can check the code of the lua/ge/extensions/editor/sceneTree.lua